IPL Media Rights Updates: On March 29, the Board of Control for Cricket in India announced the launch of the media rights round tender. The overall base price for media rights is estimated at Rs 32,890 crore.
The IPL media rights auction resumed today (June 13) at 11am. M. with an offer for television and digital rights exceeding Rs 43 billion on the day of the opening of the auction. The TV base price has been set at Rs 18,130 and the digital base price is Rs 12,210, for a total of Rs 30,340 crore.
The next round of media rights has been split into four packages. The first package includes broadcast/TV rights for the Indian subcontinent for all games with an estimated base price of Rs 49 crore per game, while the second package includes digital rights for the Indian subcontinent (all games) with a base price of around 33 crore. million rupees. for each game.